Of this total amount, 20 million will be focused on youth employment, 35 million on digital development projects for companies and 15 million for the creation of digital companies.
One of the weak points of the Spanish labour market, of which there are many, is the limited number of candidates with sufficient preparation for technological activities, a situation that the European Commission has taken notice of. The Ministry of the Economy and Digital Transformation has launched a package of support this Tuesday that is worth 70 million euros, with the aim of reducing this deficit in the digitalization of companies and Spanish youth. Of this total, 20 million will be dedicated to youth employment, 35 million to digital development projects within companies and 15 million for the creation of digital companies.
The measure, which was approved by the Council of Ministers, includes two aid schemes to speed up the process of digitalization for young people and companies and to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on business, forming part of the AceleraPyme programme set up by Red.es, which is controlled by the department of the third vice-president Nadia Calviño through the Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence, led by Carme Artigas. The programme aims to “speed up the process of digitalization among SMEs through financial support, guidance, training and the creation of technological solutions.
The training service for youth employment, financed with 20 million euros and co-financed by the European Social Fund, is aimed at unemployed youth who are not in education or employment, offering them courses and careers guidance on subjects such as Big Data, full stack web programming, cloud systems, digital marketing, video game programming, 3D design and virtual reality.
The Council of Ministers has also approved two further aid programmes for a total of 50 million euros. The first of these, for a total amount of 35 million euros, is destined for developments based on artificial intelligence and other technologies, with the aim of financing experimental development projects for companies to implement artificial intelligence: machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, development of solutions, applications and services to increase efficiency in health services, internet of things, big data, high performance computing, cloud computing, natural language processing, cyber security, biometrics and digital identity, blockchain, robotics, virtual and augmented reality, special effects and simulation, micro/nanoelectronics, 3D printing and additive manufacturing.
The second call for support is worth 15 million euros and is destined to the development of more digital content. The objective is to finance business projects based on technological development in the following areas of digital content: provision of massive data in reusable formats, data processing applied to improving healthcare services and crisis response, video games, digital animation, music, cinema and video, audiovisual content, digital publishing, digital advertising, social media and mobile applications.
Source: elmundo.es